Before We Say Goodbye to 2020…Let’s Recognize the Good
By Roberto Muñiz
As we wrap up the final month of 2020 it’s hard not to think about this past year ending without something like the phrase “good riddance” running through our minds. Yet it’s as I was thinking of all the challenges that COVID-19 brought this year, that I was also humbled by the strength I saw in the human spirit.
In observing our Elders, care partners and families at Parker I saw so much resilience, compassion and unity. It was evident in how we reacted each time one of our Elders recovered from the virus – with sheer joy; displayed in lined up employees clapping and cheering. I saw patience as our families and Elders had to find new ways of communicating through technology, window visits and at a distance. And I saw creativity in how all our employees interacted with our residents and participants; still determined to bring them moments of vibrant spontaneity. Life still happened in 2020.
Yes, the human spirit is strong and with the holidays upon us, I am celebrating that. I encourage you to choose to see the good in what 2020 brought and while a lot of how we live and operate was different, including how we celebrate this season upon us, we recognize that every moment is so very precious.
Parker Holiday video, which we have put together as a tribute to our residents, participants, patients and to our amazing staff. I hope you enjoy it, as it shows many of the memories worth remembering that I mentioned above. They are moments worth treasuring.
I leave you with that thought and share ourHappy Holidays and may you have a very happy and healthy New Year!